Our breeding program is supported on sound, and proven breeding principles. Equal opportunity is afforded to cattle, compared against one another for meaningful ratios for birth, weaning, and yearling weights; turning generations by use of top performance yearlings; the selection of reference sires which match the criteria of our program as use of comparison; and the limited use of line breeding to fix superior genes when identified.
Our management program is designed to increase the frequency of desirable traits, such as calving ease, early sexual maturity, fertility and mothering ability. This includes all heifers calving as two-year olds; a short 60-day calving period; wintering cows and heifers on hay; no creep feeding of the calves; and the use of bulls on the cow herd that could also be used for calving ease on the two-year old heifers. Our foundation animals are the finest of our elite pure Nelore herd with the most efficient animals of the Red and Black Angus breed. Texas Connection also opened a new chapter of the Red Brangus breed when we crossed our Nelore Red Angus (Nelangus) with Red Brangus produced with the Brahman breed.
The Genetic Influence of our Red Brangus Breed
Nelore Bloodlines: Our herd of ½, ¾, and ¼ blood is produced with our most fertile and efficient bloodlines as the 5 Brazilian International Grand Champion bulls as: Ordenado, Lajedo, Ongole, Rasta, Garoto, Titanic 811/4. Champions that breeds like champions. There are not many bulls in the breed that have their thickness with such breed characteristics. They are homozygous polled and horned bulls with tremendous depth and spring of rib, performance, and bone.
# The Nelore breed represents more than 85 % of the cattle of the country in Brazil. Brazil is the second largest herd in the world with more than 120 million head of Nelore. A bull to be selected as a Brazilian champion has to win a show ring that has more than a 1000 high quality show animals.
Red Angus: Our foundation Red Angus bloodlines are the magnificent Better Heavy lines: Better Heavy, EM Better Heavy 323, None Better.
EM Better Heavy 323 is essentially full Leachman Red Angus breeding. EM Better Heavy 323 is considered to be one of the best Leachman Better Heavy 8041 sons in the breed. EM Better Heavy 323's sire needs no introduction, nor do his paternal brothers like "None Better." EM Better Heavy 323's dam is an outstanding brood cow, being extremely fertile with an excellent udder and broodiness that has seen her raise a calf every year in the harsh West Texas environment.
Red Brangus
Our Nelore Angus “ Nelangus” animals out of red Angus and Nelore were crossed to recognized sires of the Red Brangus breed as El Dorado, Jackson, Deliberate, Transformer, 594J and DC Superstar.
Jackson’s pedigree is a list of who’s who in the Brangus breed. His mother goes back to a flush that line bred the greatness of Miss Korina 33/8, the Miter daughter that produced so many herd sires in the 1970s. His dam’s pedigree also includes EL Cid, the best copper 9 son. The El Cid daughter was bred to Red Transformer to produce the first generation dam of Jackson. Transformer daughters have proven over time to be some of the most functional, easy fleshing and fertile cows in our breed.
Deliberate may be the most complete Red Brangus bull in phenotype and genotype ever bred. He is a Predominant son out of a Sensation daughter. He is also line bred with the cow CCR Ms Exato 23T15. This Exato daughter is a grand dam of Predominant and Premier. Deliberate dam is a Sensation daughter out of CCR Ms Exato 23T15. Being double-bred Exato will give Deliberate the outstanding maternal traits that have earned Exato the reputation of being “ The glue that holds the Red Brangus breed together”.
- In my opinion the Nelangus is a “ freak of genetics”. The cross of Nelore and Red Angus joins the largest and most efficient Zebu breed with the well-recognized Angus breed. The results off the cross of a 2000 years B.C breed as Nelore with Angus implements the highest hybrid vigor possible. The male calves are proven by many researches to be incomparable for weaning weights, average daily gain, conversion and carcass quality. The female calves are very fertile, yearly maturing, and have the longest utility life of all breeds.
Brangus/Red Brangus Traits
- It is a well-documented fact that the Nelore x Bos Taurus cross provides the greatest heterosis of all cattle crosses. This results in heavier weaning weights, increased milk production, greater heat tolerance and increased resistance to disease.
- Since purity of the Nelore is very high (2000 b.c), its progeny is both predictable and consistent.
- The addition of the Nelore lines adds proven genetics for smaller teats, calving ease, and longevity
- Dams have long and prolific reproductive lives with plenty of milk for calves that are born light and grow quickly.
- Cows calve easily at a young age due to their long, deep bodies, angle of rump, pelvic opening and larger frames.
- Calves are alert and active; need little human intervention.
Carcass Quality
The latest studies of the University Texas A&M shows that 15 Nelore x Angus steers they raised and fed, 14 graded Choice and 1 Select; marbling was in the Slight category, and the Warner-Brazsler shear force tested at 6.5. These types of steers would meet and exceed the modern industry's standards.
The pure Nelore breed has the best carcass quality of all Zebu Breeds with an average of 81 % choice; yield Grade 2.6 and 66 % Dressing percentage.
- This stylish look of the Nelore influence can be easily spotted. The females are very feminine with small ears, beautiful bags and the bulls are heavy muscled with a lot of depth but still have very clean underlines.
- The Nelore influence of the Nelangus animals has won to Texas Connection and clients more than 20 Grand Champion and Reserve Champion honors in our first three years of showing.
Efficiency has more to do with profit than any other trait. We have blended together a unique combination of economic type traits designed to implement an outcross to most of the Red Brangus herds.
Originaria de los Estados Unidos, donde los primeros cruces para llegar a obtener la raza se empezaron a hacer desde 1912, y cuya Asociación fue fundada en 1949. La raza Brangus tiene en su composición genética 3/8 de raza Brahman y 5/8 de raza Angus, es decir 37.5% y 62.5% respectivamente.
Al realizar este cruce se busca un animal tipo carne que conserve las buenas características de la raza Angus y que además el Brahman le aporte la adaptación al trópico; es decir a las altas temperaturas, humedad, parásitos tanto internos como externos y además la rusticidad.
Fenotípicamente el Brangus deberá tener las siguientes características:
• Color definido: Negro ó rojo. Solo se permitirán manchas blancas en la línea media ventral, desde la parte posterior hasta el ombligo. Cualquier otra mancha en cualquier otra parte del cuerpo será motivo de descalificación.
• Cabeza propia de la Raza: Perfil recto ó ligeramente cóncavo, testuz redondeado, oreja tamaño medio, redondeada y de orientación horizontal. Ausencia completa de cuernos.
• Cuello: corto y grueso en el caso de los machos. Delgado y ligeramente descarnado, con una inserción suave hacia los hombros en el caso de las hembras. Posee un poco más de gorla y piel que la raza Angus.
• Prepucio: de corto a mediano pero retráctil.
Siendo ambas razas, Angus y Brangus productoras de carne en los animales ya sea puros o en cruzamiento debemos buscar fenotípicamente un animal que cumpla con las siguientes características:
Masas musculares del animal, teniendo en cuenta la proporcionalidad de las medidas bovinométricas, es decir la relación ancho, largo y profundo del animal, haciendo especial énfasis en el corte de pistola.
•Estructura ósea del animal buscando la fortaleza de ésta. Haciendo especial énfasis en:
Arco de costilla: su amplitud, profundidad, largo y el grado de arqueamiento.
• Aplomos: tanto anteriores como posteriores, teniendo en cuenta las debilidades o defectos que estos tengan; Como son: largo ó corto de cuartillas, remetido de adelante ó atrás, izquierdo de miembros, estevado, pata de poste etc.
• Anca: Su largo, ancho, la inclinación y la amplitud entre ísquiones y entre coxales. Al igual que la disposición del sacro, es decir si está o no levantado.
El ganado de raza Brangus Rojo, su genética es ideal para las regiones tropicales y subtropicales del mundo. Este tipo de raza combina la rusticidad, resistencia a enfermedades y un inigualable instinto maternal que hereda de la raza Brahman, con canal de calidad superior, fertilidad, habilidad materna y el ordeño de las Angus. Los becerros Brangus Rojo son pequeños al nacer, un promedio de 25 a 30 kilogramos, con alto rendimiento peso al destete. Estos becerros continúan ganando peso de manera eficiente en los corrales de engorda produciendo canales de alta calidad.
Además, el Brangus Rojo presenta pubertad temprana, con vaquillas listas para la reproducción al alrededor de los 14 meses y paren antes de su segundo año de edad, y los machos están listos para trabajar desde los 14 meses. Los machos y las hembras mantienen su productividad más allá que otras razas, con las hembras produciendo aún a los 14 a 15 años de edad y machos trabajando a los 10 años de edad o más.
La raza Brangus Rojo es de tamaño moderado, con un peso de hembras maduras en el rango de 550 kilogramos y los machos adultos pesan en el rango de 900 kilogramos. Su color rojo no sólo es agradable a muchos ganaderos, además elimina la conjuntivitis y las ubres quemadas por el sol y permite que el ganado pastoree bajo condiciones de calor extremo, mientras que otros están buscando la sombra. Su disposición los hace ideales para los espacios abiertos de los pastizales del occidente y seguros para los ganaderos de fin de semana. Por sus características la raza Brangus Rojo elimina el peligro de los cuernos y la tarea de gestión de descornado.
En resumen, estas características ubican al Brangus Rojo en la categoría de un ganado verdaderamente fabuloso.